  • StakeStake
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  • Airdrop ClaimAirdrop Claim
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Total Staked ...
Stakers are earningStaking APR + Restaking APR + Eigenlayer Points + LRT points + Zircuit Points

Gas Rebates

ToggleWhat is Zircuit Gas Rebates?
ToggleWhat kind of activities are rewarded?
ToggleIs there any limit on the amount of ZRC that I can earn?
ToggleHow many ZRC tokens do I earn per ETH spent?
ToggleHow do I spend gas faster?
ToggleWhat is the ZRC dust distribution threshold?
ToggleHow long does it take for ZRC rebates to update after I spend gas?
ToggleWhy can I only bridge over 50 ETH?
ToggleIs there a more detailed resource explaining the Gas Rebates?

Airdrop Claim

ToggleWhat % allocation is the Season 1 airdrop?
ToggleHow long does it take for tokens to arrive in my wallet after claiming?
ToggleWhen can I transfer my tokens?
ToggleHow do I claim tokens for my multisig wallet?
ToggleWhere can I find more information on the ZRC token and tokenomics?


ToggleWhat happens when I migrate my assets?


ToggleWhat are Zircuit Points?
ToggleIs there a bug bounty program?
ToggleWhat is the Zircuit staking program?
ToggleWhere is the APR coming from? What points am I earning?
ToggleWhat does Zircuit do with my restaked ETH/BTC?
ToggleWhere can I see my Points earned from Pendle?
ToggleIs there a minimum deposit amount to earn Points?
ToggleAre the contracts safe? How do I know my assets are safe?
ToggleWhat are Swell, Renzo, KelpDAO, EtherFi, Liquid Collective, Lido, Eigenpie, Ethena, StakeStone, Puffer, Mantle, PumpBTC, Mellow, FBTC and Lombard?
ToggleHow do I earn more points?
ToggleCan I deposit native ETH?
ToggleIs there an unstaking period?