  • Zircuit Liquidity HubZircuit Liquidity Hub
  • L2 StakingL2 Staking
  • L1 StakingL1 Staking
  • LendingLending
  • Airdrop ClaimAirdrop Claim
  • Get ZRCGet ZRC
  • AI TerminalAI Terminal
  • Gas StationGas Station
  • BridgeBridge
Audited by
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Total Staked ...
Stakers are earningStaking APR + Restaking APR + Zircuit Points + Project Airdrops

Liquidity Hub

ToggleWhat happens when I sign to migrate my assets?
ToggleHow do I bridge assets between Ethereum and Zircuit?
ToggleWhat happens to my assets while they are deposited into the Liquidity Hub?
ToggleIs the Liquidity Hub audited?
ToggleHow do I earn airdrops?
ToggleWhat are L2 Zircuit Points?
ToggleHow to see my assets after the L2 migration?
ToggleWhy don’t I see any migration or transfer transactions in my wallet on the L2 explorer?


ToggleWhat are Zircuit Points?
ToggleWhat is the Zircuit staking program?
ToggleWhere is the APR coming from? What points am I earning?
ToggleWhat does Zircuit do with my staked assets?
ToggleWhere can I see my Points earned from Pendle?
ToggleIs there a minimum deposit amount to earn Points?
ToggleAre the contracts safe? How do I know my assets are safe?
ToggleWhat are Swell, Renzo, KelpDAO, EtherFi, Liquid Collective, Lido, Eigenpie, Ethena, StakeStone, Puffer, Mantle, PumpBTC, Mellow, FBTC, Lombard, WBTC, InceptionLRT and Babypie?
ToggleHow do I earn more points?
ToggleCan I deposit native ETH?
ToggleIs there an unstaking period?

Airdrop Claim

ToggleWhere can I claim the previous season airdrops?
ToggleWhat % allocation is the Season 2 airdrop?
ToggleIs there a minimum amount of points required to claim the Season 2 airdrop?
ToggleWhat % allocation is the Season 1 airdrop?
ToggleHow long does it take for tokens to arrive in my wallet after claiming?
ToggleWhen can I transfer my tokens?
ToggleHow do I claim tokens for my multisig wallet?
ToggleWhere can I find more information on the ZRC token and tokenomics?


ToggleIs there a bug bounty program?